Simplify P90X: Day 1

It’s that time of year again, time to work off all that winter gristle and grime.

Maybe for most people, January is a time to make new habits and changes, but for me, it’s always been spring. As spring approaches, I’m motivated to blog again and track my exercise habits. I’ve done most of the P90X program and it’s solid. But I need to adapt it for my current lifestyle and make it work for me. So I’m simplifying the P90X program down its basic exercises that you can do almost anywhere. Sure I love Tony’s jokes and motivations, but sometimes, I don’t want to watch the DVD every time I work out.

Day 1: Chest and Back is all about pushups and pull-ups. 2 rounds, 6 sets, 15 reps for each exercise, alternating between pushups and pull-ups.

As the first exercise the program, I could have pushed myself harder, but I wanted to make it through the entire workout. Next time, I could probably do more reps and for the weighted exercises (heavy pants, lawnmowers, back flys) I could have used 15 lb. or even 20 lb. weights. It’s a good first workout.

Until tomorrow, show up and work hard!