Simplify P90X: Day 5

Today should be Shoulder and Arms given my switched schedule.

But as it turns out, it’s going to be my rest day.

My body isn’t used to working this hard and it started to fail. The muscle soreness got pretty high and I was in quite a bit of pain after pushing myself through the past 4 days of exercising. On top of that, I got food poisoning which really knocked out the option of working out today. So, I just stocked up on fluids and light meals to get me through the day of rest. Sometimes, you just have to listen to your body and let nature take its course.

Hopefully, I’ll feel better soon.

Until tomorrow, show up and work hard!

Double Blind Yoga

I was feeling extra sprightly, so I did a double workout today. Shoulders and Arms and Yoga!

For the first session, I bumped up to 10 lbs weights for the entire program. The first week, I was using a mix of 5 lb and 10 lbs weights and now for week 3, I phased out of the 5 lb weights. Yes to getting stronger!

As for Yoga, I did the entire 90 minutes with the exception of Crane, Half Moon, and Yoga Belly 7. I was so distracted today that I wore a blindfold during the majority of the yoga session so I could concentrate on my breaths and get my mind right. It’s amazing how focused I became once the blindfold was on. I really needed Yoga today to get my head on straight. I’ve been out of sorts lately and somehow, yoga really helped me relax.

I tried a Whey protein smoothie today. It was quite tasty, but my body doesn’t really know how to react to it so I was feeling a little lethargic and queasy for part of the day. Guess I have to stick to the au naturale way of eating.